Historical recordings

Historical recordings of three of Schoenberg’s exile works are available at http://www.schoenberg.at/index.php/en/historische-aufnahmen-2

Scroll to the bottom of the page for:

Chamber Symphony No. 2, Op. 38, recorded by the New Friends of Music Orchestra, cond. Fritz Stiedry  (New York, Dec. 15, 1940) and later by the CBS Symphony Orchestra, cond. Bernard Herrmann (New York, 1949).

Chamber Symphony No. 2, Op. 38, arranged for two pianos, performed by Clara Silvers and Leonard Stein (Los Angeles, 1943)

String Trio, Op. 45, by the Koldofsky Trio (Adolf Koldofsky, violin; Cecil Figelski, viola; George Neikrug, cello) (Dial, 1950)

Phantasy for Violin with Piano Accompaniment, Op. 47, by Adolf Koldofsky, violin, and Eduard Steuermann, piano (Dial, 1951)

Dial Records (1946-54), founded by jazz producer Ross Russell, was based first in Hollywood (1946-47) then New York (1947-54).

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